Certain business industry sectors have become popular among younger graduates and professionals because of their high-paying employment and career advancement opportunities.
One rough estimate shows that Americans with finance degrees earn somewhere between $60,000 and $80,000 annually.
In 2019, finance graduates’ lowest income was over $58,000 a year. So, you can realize how making a career in finance can enhance your chances of succeeding in the business industry today. If you are still in doubt? try one of these selected best careers in finance for next year and beyond.
This sector has offered several high-earning opportunities to graduates since its inception. Most beginners in this sector have a bachelor’s degree. Now, what sort of jobs can you obtain when graduating with a degree in finance?
Most Lucrative Careers in Finance for Graduates
Interestingly, several finance-related careers don’t require people to obtain a finance degree. IT jobs, for instance, in the money sector, are available for tech-savvy people.
Even though initial earnings for some finance-related jobs may seem unworthy of your expertise, your experience can enhance your salary radically. Honesty, diligence, and commitment are requirements for sticking around in this sector for a long time.
Since the pandemic, remote and hybrid careers in finance have also become popular. Remember that the business industry needs more financial experts in the future. Bolster your skills to become a sought-after candidate and consider the following careers in finance for your progress:
1. Financial Examiner
These professionals leverage their advanced accounting knowledge to ensure financial institutions in the nation behave legally and follow ethical standards.
A professional like this also goes by the name “bank examiner” and earns over $80,000 on average every year. Bank examiners perform duties, e.g., monitoring a bank’s health, establishing guidelines, carrying out financial examinations, and penning down reports to discuss their findings. It’s an exciting career for someone interested in finance.
2. Accountant
Accountants have become to any organization’s effective functioning today. They maintain financial records, prepare financial statements, and discover different ways to increase profits.
Auditors ensure these financial statements are correct and find reasons why the numbers don’t match.
Auditors are accountants, but not every accountant’s an auditor, mind you. It’s estimated that these experts make over $77,000 annually on average and help startups solve financial problems efficiently.
3. Budget Analyst
Budget analysts earn $80,000 a year on average. As the name indicates, these professionals examine a company’s budget.
Budget analysts are also tasked with assessing the financial implications of new business ventures.
They can prepare budget reports and ensure every dollar is spent where it’s most needed. So, startups are hiring these experts, because of which many finance graduates now prefer to pursue the profession.
4. Financial analyst
While budget analysts work in situations where no dollar can be wasted, financial analysts find work in affluent industries to guide investment decisions.
Some sub-branches of financial analysis involve working for major banks and firms, or you may become a corporate financial analyst to serve popular industries.
On average, financial analysts make more than $90,000 a year, but the job may entail working long hours in stressful situations. But it’s an excellent career advancement opportunity too.
5. Credit Analyst
As a credit analyst, you shall evaluate a client’s credit history to determine whether the client can be trusted with a business loan.
They examine the financial prospects of every client to ensure they are “creditworthy” when they ask to borrow some money.
For instance, as a credit analyst, you’ll ensure a certain startup seems capable of generating enough money to repay the loan. So, your research can save a financial institution from lending money to unreliable clients or getting scammed often.
6. Actuary
It’s estimated that financial occupations shall grow by 7% this decade, and actuaries have become an interesting career choice for many students.
These experts leverage statistics to predict the level of uncertainty associated with global events to develop better policies for minimizing the risk.
You will need to obtain a degree in actuarial sciences and then acquire relevant certificates to become able to work in this industry. Actuaries are paid, on average, $90,000 a year for their quality services.
7. Risk Specialist
These hardened financial experts prevent companies from indulging in risky ventures by evaluating their monetary investment capacities.
While earning almost $100,000 annually, rick specialists work with major firms and banks. Their duties entail the discovery of positive investment opportunities as well as the problems associated with certain financial decisions.
Finding, foreseeing, and mitigating risks are some of the duties you shall perform if you decide to become a risk specialist today.
8. Investment Banker
This lucrative opportunity involves financial remodeling and capital-raising activities.
Your job in this field will involve giving financial breakdowns, resolving stock-related issues, and handling mergers and acquisitions.
From equity research to managing assets. Investment bankers prevent a startup from making financially unproductive investment decisions.
That’s why they make $100,000 to $130,000 a year on average. It’s an excellent career option for anyone who loves number-crunching gigs.
9. Business Tutor
Surveys show that some financial experts have considered leaving this profession and switching to another industry.
However, there’s one profession we consider evergreen, i.e., business teaching. These teachers can make over $90,000 by teaching students about the secrets to getting better at business administration.
As a business teacher, you must be versatile in business-related knowledge, such as marketing, accounting, and investments. So, impart some information to young minds.
10. Stockbrokers
Now, this profession doesn’t necessarily demand a finance degree. Though, having one bolsters your chances of attaining an employment position in a brokerage firm.
Also called an investment advisor, a stockbroker executes the client’s decisions in the market. Stockbrokers are engaged in the buying/selling of their clients’ stocks and other securities for which they receive a commission.
So, you must attain a four-year degree to qualify for a FINRA license and start working as a professional broker.
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Wrap Up
We’ve mentioned some finance-related careers ideal for modern-day finance graduates. You can bolster your career advancement opportunities by choosing any of the abovementioned careers.
From auditors and accountants to different types of analysts – finance-related careers are diverse! But every career in finance doesn’t seem to be conventional.
One can choose to become a business teacher and educate a smart classroom on the importance of financial principles. You can give companies and individuals a lot of good financial advice.
Become a risk specialist and give investment suggestions to people. Become a bank examiner to ensure banks act legally and ethically without breaking federal laws.