Work From Home Tips For Those Who Can’t Focus

Work From Home Tips For Those Who Can’t Focus


Focusing can be difficult at the best of times – even if you are neurotypical! There is so much going on at any given point that it can be easy to switch to something else or think about something else rather than the task that needs doing. Even in the office, if you have work colleagues talking about which bread they prefer from the café downstairs or what happened in last night’s episode of a cult series, it can be difficult to drown it out or refrain from joining in.

For those who work from home, the perils are worse. Your dog wants attention, TikTok has given you another notification, and your bed is looking extremely inviting.

If you are still here, then this piece is going to take a look at some work from home tips to help with focus for those who sometimes can’t. 

Get Your Workspace Focus Friendly 

It can be difficult to maintain focus if your workspace is cluttered and chaotic. Not only is this not a good feeling, but it also means there are plenty of distractions that surround you within reach, which can really make for a focus faux pas.
Set up your space to create something that is going to help you remain on the task at hand.

Remove any temptations, but also be sure to upgrade your space to include things that are going to be helpful to you. A bottle of water, tissues, a snack, pens, paper, and anything else you think you might have to get up for can go in a drawer ready for you to use when you need it. Try to find the quietest location in your home, too!

If you aren’t able to run a business from home in these optimum conditions, then consider looking at for a virtual or real office space. Even if you don’t want to rent a dedicated office space outside of your home, a virtual office space can take care of mail and phone answering – ensuring your focus remains on your tasks rather than admin. 

Get into Focus Hacks 

There are plenty of focus hacks on the internet because many people are struggling with the same thing. Try them out and see what works for you. The Pomodoro technique is a great one to try, as it asks you to focus for a specific amount of time before having a break around when your brain would naturally get tired. 

You could also try the concept of body doubling if you benefit from someone working or being active at the same time as you, as this can be difficult to experience when you work from home alone.

Schedule Your Tasks

If you have no idea what you are doing when you start your day or what you are doing next, it can be difficult to get going and stay going. To make the most out of your work hours, schedule your tasks in an order that works for you so you are encouraged to stay on track. This is also essential in making sure you have a manageable workload, and you aren’t going to burn out.

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