Reasons Why Doctors Need Own Occupation Disability Insurance


The need for own occupation disability insurance is generally understood by most doctors and surgeons, but the main distinctions between employer-provided group plans and own-occupation insurance can be easily overlooked at first sight. 

The Difference Between Own-Occupation and Employer-Provided Disability Insurance

Independent insurance companies provide own-occupation insurance, also known as regular occupation insurance, which provides tailored protection that follows doctors throughout their careers. This form of insurance is intended to safeguard your own earning potential in your particular employment. Own-occupation plans provide comprehensive and continuing coverage, independent of changes in employment or other professional transitions.

Defining “Disability”

Group disability insurance from your employer is the default plan offered by places like hospitals and medical organizations, and it is often recommended.

Group disability plans, as the name implies, are designed to give general, one-size-fits-all disability coverage to large groups of employees within a company, rather than coverage targeted to preserve your speciality.

Employer-provided group plans can be beneficial for additional disability coverage or as a temporary stop-gap solution, but they cannot offer comprehensive coverage to safeguard earning capabilities throughout a doctor’s career.

One of the most important differences between different kinds of disability insurance is how the plans define “disability” and how sick or hurt a policyholder must be to get paid. One of the most common drawbacks of group insurance plans is that they generally define disability using fairly limited “any-occupation” criteria.

You are not eligible for benefits under an “any-occupation” provision unless your handicap prevents you from performing any function of your current work. You may Click Link here if your company assumes you are not eligible for benefits under an “any-occupation” provision unless your handicap prevents you from performing any function of your current work.

Coverage that is consistent throughout your career

Unfortunately, many doctors with group insurance plans do not realize until it is too late that, despite years of paying premiums, qualifying for “any-occupation” disability payments is practically impossible.

Own-occupation plans have a far broader definition of disability as it applies to your unique profession and hence provide the most comprehensive income protection. It is normal for young physicians to change jobs in their early years of practice.

Furthermore, if you are covered by an employer’s group plan at the time you become handicapped, you risk becoming uninsurable when you switch jobs.

doctor sitting near medical equipment source
Doctor sitting near medical equipment Source

Investing in Your Career Early

These gaps and uncertainties in group plan coverage are hard to predict, even for employers. The effectiveness of a doctor’s disability plan may depend on the complicated language that the average insurance broker or human resources professional doesn’t fully understand.

A professional disability income specialist is required to thoroughly anticipate potential hazards and build a strategy that will transition with you over time. Investing in a thorough self-employment plan early in your medical profession lets you ensure inexpensive coverage rates and prepare for your financial future. 

Overall, own-occupation disability insurance provides doctors with maximum coverage and unparalleled peace of mind throughout their careers, with specialized and comprehensive protection.

naomi olson
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I am a CFP® (Certified Financial Planner).
I have a severe phobia of bridges and disorganized balance sheets. Hobbies: blogging, meditation, and loving Bull Market (my dog). I live in Omaha, Nebraska.



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